Hiya All! This is a very short blog but I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year and an amazing 2010!
I am in Berne at the moment and have had two rehearsals with the Berne Symphony Orchestra and Andrey Boreyko.
It has been a great two days and we are off for New Year's Eve and tomorrow New Year's Day.
The rehearsals have gone very well so far and I have one more before the concert on the 2nd of January.
The orchestra and Andrey Borekyo are very dynamic, musical and sensitive and it is a really lovely experience.
The program for the concert can be seen on this link;
There are two links up on youtube from the rehearsals today....they are rehearsals now ok?! and I am concentrating on my playing at the rehearsals as it is such a rare and different experience to play with such an orchestra. I thought you might like to see this and to keep you posted!
Karl and all the soloists are really a joy to hear and watch.
The concert is sold out and I am delighted that I am here to spend New Year with Jim, Karl, Bláithín, Colm, Bruce and close friends.
I wish for my family, my close friends and all of you, a very Happy New Year with peace and happiness.
Le grá,
Hi Everyone!
You must be nearly ready for Christmas and the Holidays!
It has been a busy time and I'm getting to do my blog now at last!
We had such a great tour, thanks to you all.
We had a fantastic week after our tour of promoting our new DVD and tour Celtic Woman, Powerscourt House and Gardens, coming to the U.S. in Febuary,
We ended that week with the amazing honor of playing at the National Christmas Tree Lighting 2009 in President's Park, Washington for The First Family and all who were there AND all of you who watched online!
It was the most fantastic day and we got to meet President Obama and his family, Joe Biden and his family, and the fabulous artists that were playing that night.
Here's a link to the ceremony if you havn't seen it.
There are some lovely photos from that day and night so keep an eye for those coming up after the holidays!
I can't describe the feeling to be playing there on such a momentous and historic occasion- it was really special.
I have my concert with the Berne Symphony Orchestra coming up on the 2nd January, 5pm, at the Grosse Salle, Kulture Casino in Berne, Switzerland.
I am very excited to be going over to spend New Year with the BSO and playing music by Joel McNeely, David Downes and Colm Ó Foghlú.
It will be a special night with acclaimed artists performing.
I am very happy that Karl Nesbitt is performing alongside me, I'm looking forward to getting to play music with my brother again in public! It's been far too long!
Here is a link to the details of the BSO concert.
Neujahrskonzert It just remains for me to wish you all a very Happy Christmas, Happy Holidays and an even better New Year. Thank you all for your support and keep music in your lives!
I will see you all on tour in the New Year!
Le grá,